

Strengthen Communities Through Your Sadaqah and Zakat

Our Projects in Uganda

Uganda is home to resilient Muslim communities, but many are struggling with poverty, limited access to clean water, and a lack of essential infrastructure.

Quran Project

Distributing the Holy Quran to mosques and students of knowledge across Uganda
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Uganda Rural Masjid

The masjid can accommodate up to 250 people and will be used for daily prayers.
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Uganda Community Masjid

The masjid can accommodate up to 400 people and will be used for daily prayers.
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Aqiqah Program

The Aqiqah slaughtered on the occasion of the child's birth is referred to as Aqiqah.
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Donate an Aqiqah for a newborn boy or girl. The cost for a boy’s Aqiqah is £130, and for a girl’s Aqiqah is £70
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Food Fund

Your donation not only helps to feed a family but also brings hope and relief.
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Uganda Water Well

By donating £1120, you can build an electric water well in Uganda, with a depth.
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Transform Lives Now

Your donation covers the essential costs of a child's food, health, and education. By contributing, you help transform a life, securing a place in Paradise, Insha'Allah. This act of continuous charity rewards the donor for every good deed the sponsored child performs.


Immediate Crisis Relief

only with parents1

Orphan Sponsorship

Support for Orphans

save water

Water Projects

Water Access to Everyone


Sadaqah Jariyah

Ongoing Charity Gifts


Sustainable Projects

Long-term Solutions


Food Fund

Food Parcels & Hotmeals


Aqiqah Program

Donate Your Aqiqah



Education for the Needy

100 Donation Policy 01

Our Promise To You ↓

Our 100% donation policy ensures that every single donation is entrusted (Amanah) to us to support the needy, destitute, poor, orphans, and widows.