We invite you to be part of a noble cause by helping to distribute copies of the Holy Quran to mosques and students of knowledge in Uganda. Each Quran costs just £3, offering invaluable guidance to those in need. Your contribution is a lasting form of Sadaqah Jariyah, continuing to benefit others long after the donation is made.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "When a person dies, their deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for them." – (Hadith reported by Muslim)
Recent Donation
Zahid K. donated £30.60
Slough, United Kingdom (UK)
3 days ago
Tasnia A. donated £56.10
Morecambe, United Kingdom (UK)
7 days ago
Aysha A. donated £1.00
Solihull, United Kingdom (UK)
2 weeks ago
Zak R. donated £25.00
New Malden, United Kingdom (UK)
2 weeks ago
Aysha A. donated £1.00
Solihull, United Kingdom (UK)
3 weeks ago
Muhammod M. donated £108.12
Ipswich, United Kingdom (UK)
3 weeks ago
Kiran S. donated £56.10
Dunstable, United Kingdom (UK)
3 weeks ago
Shazia B. donated £15.30
London, United Kingdom (UK)
3 weeks ago