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Charity Registration Number: 1190360

Zakat Calculator

Use our Zakat calculator to easily determine the exact amount you owe.

Zakat Calculator

Use our Zakat calculator to easily determine the exact amount you owe.


Gold: £ 5,932.02

This is equal to 87.48 grams at £67.81 per gram

coins 1

Silver: £ 496.01

This is equal to 612.36 grams at £0.81 per gram

Figures are updated every hour automatically


Assets include cash, property, jewellery, and anything else of value. If a field is not applicable, leave it blank.


Calculate Zakat on a year's savings, using your lowest balance. Include all accounts, cryptocurrency, PayPal, and cash. Exclude bank interest.


The majority of scholars believe that zakat should be paid on all gold and silver jewellery, whether worn or not.


Zakat, include all properties except your home. Zakat is due on resale value for properties sold for profit or on savings from rental income.


If you hold shares, Zakat is due on dividends. If you buy and sell shares, Zakat is due on their market value.


If you're owed a debt you believe will be repaid, include its value here. If repayment is uncertain, only include it when received, and pay zakat for all previous years it was outstanding. Zakat is due on any amount already received.


Liabilities, or money owed to others, will be subtracted from your total Zakat.


Any rent, house payments, utility bills, or money owed to you that is due or overdue should be entered here.


Any unpaid rent, property payments, invoices, staff salaries, or money you owe, for example, should be entered here.

Many scholars say that it is better to use the silver nisab since it will increase the amount of charity distributed; others say that the gold nisab is closer to the nisab in use at the time of the blessed Prophet (peace be upon him).

Your total zakat due is

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Today's Nisab (zakat threshold) for gold and silver are*

Gold: £ 5,932.02

This is equal to 87.48 grams at £67.81 per gram

coins 1

Silver: £ 496.01

This is equal to 612.36 grams at £0.81 per gram

Figures are updated every hour automatically

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