Olive trees are the main source of livelihood for over a million Palestinians, helping to sustain generations to come. The trees are planted twice a year and take between 3-5 years to start bearing fruit.
By the fig and the olive and [by] Mount Sinai, And [by] this city of security [Makkah]. Verily, We have certainly created man in the best of stature. (Quran 95:1-4)
Each farm family we help will get 25–50 trees, which will help them make a living by growing and selling olives. An olive tree that is about 15 to 20 years old produces about 15 to 20 kilogrammes of olives each year.
Help us reach our goal of planting 5,000 olive trees in the next few months. This Sadaqah Jariyah will help around 1200 farmers have safe and stable ways to make a living.
Your tree will go wherever it is most needed, but one of the most important places we plant olive trees is in Palestine. There, we help farmers who are struggling to keep their land and jobs by planting olive trees.
It’s no wonder the Messenger (PBUH) labelled olive trees as blessed; they produce beautiful and nourishing fruits, and they’re mentioned seven times in the Quran.
Recent Donation
Muhammad F. donated £20.40
Slough, United Kingdom (UK)
1 month ago
Anonymous donated £250.00
Sacramento, United States (US)
2 months ago
Firas A. donated £744.60
Brooklyn, United States (US)
2 months ago
Irfaan S. donated £102.00
Newham, United Kingdom (UK)
3 months ago
Momin I. donated £32.64
Stockport, United Kingdom (UK)
3 months ago
Safian A. donated £10.20
Maidenhead, United Kingdom (UK)
3 months ago
What is Sadaqah Jariyah?
Sadaqah Jariyah, often referred to as "continuous charity," is an act of giving that provides ongoing benefits to others and rewards to the donor. Unlike regular Sadaqah, which is a one-time act of charity, Sadaqah Jariyah continues to benefit others and generates spiritual rewards for the giver for as long as the charity continues to be of service. Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include building a school, digging a well, planting a tree, or providing educational materials that people will use for years to come.
Endless Blessings
Receive ongoing spiritual rewards with continuous charitable contributions.
Legacy of Love
Create lasting positive change through Sadaqah Jariyah's enduring impact.
Continuous Charity
Support sustainable projects that benefit communities for generations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Confused about donating? Take a look at our frequently asked questions below.
What is Sadaqah Jariyah?
Sadaqah Jariyah refers to a form of continuous charity in Islam. Unlike regular Sadaqah, which is a one-time act of giving, Sadaqah Jariyah continues to benefit others long after the donation is made, providing ongoing rewards to the giver even after their death.
How does Sadaqah Jariyah differ from regular Sadaqah?
Regular Sadaqah is a voluntary act of charity that benefits the recipient immediately. In contrast, Sadaqah Jariyah is a long-lasting charity that provides continuous benefits over time, such as building a school, digging a well, or planting trees.
What are examples of Sadaqah Jariyah?
Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include building mosques, schools, hospitals, providing clean water by digging wells, planting trees, and creating educational resources. These acts continue to benefit people for years, ensuring ongoing rewards for the donor.
Why is Sadaqah Jariyah important in Islam?
Sadaqah Jariyah is highly valued in Islam because it offers perpetual rewards. As long as the charitable act continues to benefit others, the giver earns blessings, even after they have passed away, which can be particularly significant for their afterlife.
Who can benefit from Sadaqah Jariyah?
Sadaqah Jariyah benefits communities at large. For instance, a school built as Sadaqah Jariyah educates generations of students, a well provides water to countless people, and a mosque serves as a place of worship for many.
Can I give Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of someone else?
Yes, Sadaqah Jariyah can be given on behalf of others, such as deceased relatives or friends. This act can help earn continuous rewards for the deceased and contribute to their good deeds in the afterlife.
Is there a specific time to give Sadaqah Jariyah?
Sadaqah Jariyah can be given at any time. There is no specific time requirement, and it is encouraged to give whenever you have the means to do so, ensuring ongoing benefits for the community and continuous rewards for the donor.
What are the long-term benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah?
The long-term benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah include ongoing community support, education, health improvements, and access to essential resources. For the donor, the key benefit is the perpetual accumulation of rewards in both this life and the hereafter.
The Importance and Rewards of Sadaqah Jariyah
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the significance of Sadaqah Jariyah in numerous Hadiths. One famous Hadith states, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah, knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him” (Sahih Muslim).
This highlights the enduring impact and reward of continuous charity, which benefits both the donor and the recipients long after the charity has been given.
Sadaqah Jariyah offers perpetual rewards because the good deeds generated by the charity continue to accumulate even after the donor's death. This makes it a powerful way to invest in your Hereafter, ensuring that your legacy of kindness and generosity continues to bring blessings to you and those in need.
How Global Helping Hands Facilitates Sadaqah Jariyah
At Global Helping Hands, we provide various opportunities for you to contribute to Sadaqah Jariyah projects that make a lasting difference in the lives of others. We carefully design and implement projects that align with the principles of Sadaqah Jariyah, ensuring that your contributions have a long-term impact.