Our Current Appeals
Check our work
Explore our appeals in a range of areas; ranging from innovative farming, schools and education projects to water solutions that help rebuild communities.
Daily Giving
Give charity daily without thinking about it! Your £1 can give hope to someone.
Community Water Wells
“The best charity is giving water to drink and He was the most generous in giving charity.”
Where Most Needed
Your donation will be used to provide much-needed support to those most in need.
Sadaqah Jariyah
‘None of you truly believe, until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.’ [Bukhari]
During the past year, we have been engaged in a number of countries and have sponsored a variety of humanitarian programmes, including food, water, medical, and orphan care initiatives..
Sadaqah Jariyah
Plant an Olive Tree
When you give £5, you'll give an
olive tree to a needy family
olive tree to a needy family
Sadaqah Jariyah
Community Water Wells
Families, the young and old all benefit from clean water provided by the water wells.
Sadaqah Jariyah
Building Masjids
Donate towards the building of a masjid in Uganda, Pakistan or Rohingya.
Sadaqah Jariyah
Water Pump
For just £260 you can donate a complete hand water pump that can help 7-10 families